Intern: TED’s in Chicago, Ill
Where were you in your process of ministry development?
I was interning at the network during Summer ‘17 and Summer ‘19.
I was just graduating from college and taking a gap year before seminary at summer ‘17. Then during Summer ‘19, I went into the internship after finishing one year of seminary.
The ministry help ground my education to the reflect on the real-life problems of ministry and get connected with people along the journey that are more sensitive about them. There’re lots of things that we really want to do in seminary, but the internship helped me to focus and clarify the overarching goal of my education; that is to proclaim the gospel that speaks powerfully and intimately to the ordinary life, and learning to empower Christians to do the same.
Any highlights from your experience?
I enjoyed discussing about ministry with people who have totally different or unique views in their ministry. The internship provided for me an opportunity for me to develop my own convictions.
I am thankful for the connections that I have made through the Internship. They have clarified my vision further. I’ve developed relationship with a few ministers from a few churches in the network that in hoping to do internship sometime in my studies.
Thank you!